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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Redeeming the Time

Colossians 4:5
Walk in wisdom towards those who are outside, redeeming the time.

I have encountered similar verse 2 books before in the book of Ephesians. Paul said the similar advise to two different places.

Ephesians 5:16
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

What did Paul really mean by redeeming the time? So I checked back to the lexicon of these two verse and I found something interesting.

In Hebrew, there are two types of 'time':
1) Kronos - which became 'chrono-' in English, means the normal time, of uncertain derivation; a space of time
2) Kairos - a special appointed moment, an opportunity

In both of these verses, the time here refer to "Kairos" time, which means, redeeming the opportunity.
Paul here told us the reason and the way to seize an opportunity:

1) The days are evil (Eph 5:16)
The devil will always seek to destroy believer from redeeming those kairos moments to hinder the work of God. As a result, we must know how to identify the kairos moment and do not afford to miss it.

2) Walk in wisdom towards those who are outside (Col 4:5)
God doesn't only give the problem and reason, He also provide us a solution. Thank God! To redeem the kairos moment, we have to walk in wisdom towards others. The word we say should be seasoned with salt, should speak with grace and not hurting others. Reply others just like how Jesus did and live your life as testimony and with wisdom.

How do we gain the heart of wisdom?
Psalms 90:12
So teach us to number our days, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.

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