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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Prioritize your Life

1 Timothy 3:5
For if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?

There are many talks, seminars, etc which talks about how to manage your time and how to make a good priority. There are many ways or so-called models to prioritize your personal life.
For a worker, the first priority might be his work, so he might spend relatively more time in the workplace than in the family;
For a student, the first priority normally would be his study, so he might spend relatively more time in the library or in study room to study rather than going out to play or spending time with family too.
Of course, it can be easily known that this is not a good way to prioritize one's life.

I have known many Christians who suffers from the struggle between their works, ministries, studies over the relationship with God. Many of them say they have 'no time' for God, I am too tired after work, I am too busy and it is just not possible to read the bible or more importantly, to pray.

God has actually provided us a clear priority for our live, let us look to nowhere else but to the bible.

1) In the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:2, God said,"You shall have no other gods before Me." Here, God does not only refer to physical idols, but also other things which occupy your life so much at which it has become your 'god'. We shall NOT put them in front of God!

2) Paul said, in 1 Timothy 3:5, that a man should not put the church of God (Ministry) or work in front of family. Ministry of God is NOT the same with God, in ministry, you are serving God and people with your works, you cannot build personal relationship with him this way. Same with our works, studies, we cannot build relationship with our families even if we say, "I am working because I want to serve my family, I want to provide money to them" or "I am studying now so that I could get a good job and help my family in finances in the future". You should put your family the 2nd after God.

To further emphasize on family in eyes of God. In Ten Commandments, the first 4 are about God, the 5th one is about honoring your father and mother. Hence, we should put our family after God before our minitries, works come in!

In summary, the priority God wants us to have is:
1) God
2) Family
3) Ministry
4) Work
5) etc..

With this, I am sure God will bless and empower us in every ways of our lives. I am a good testimony in study and in family relationship and I followed this priority in my life.

For if you seek the kingdom of God first, all things will be added unto us.
For if you honor your father and mother, you will live long and prosperous on earth.

Let's prioritize ourselves again!

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